


On Friday, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index closed at 1,257.60. That’s exactly 0.04 point below where it started the year. - The Washington Post

For the U.S. stock market, 2011 was a long wild ride to nowhere.

The broad S&P 500 endured huge daily swings but a year of drama left the index almost where it started. It lost a mere 0.003 percent, closest to unchanged since 1947, according to Standard & Poor's. - Reuters









Art of trading.net: Things I've Learned After 15 Years Of Trading

Very good article -

Art of trading.net: Things I've Learned After 15 Years Of Trading










几年前买手机时,黑莓还是很酷的选择。现在我们首选的是iPhone,买黑莓感觉挺傻的。今年24日在Futureshop网上定购了一个X-Box 360,到现在还有发货,连订单处于哪种状态都不知道,服务热线也没有人接听。而Dell的效率就好许多,去年24日在Dell网上定购的显示器到27日已经送到家了,中间不断有订单状态更新。这说明了公司的管理水平的差距。所以要做空$RIMM,$BBY。

















聚会上的斯坦利杯(Stanley Cup)




ZT: 奥克维尔YMCA的跆拳道班






“Talk tough, and open the vaults.”  That should be the slogan of Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank.







卖掉了$HTS了期权,有微小利润。昨天收市前买入$AGNC股票可以有1%的利润。$ORCL本季度盈利低于预期,市后大降。手中的期权要有巨大损失。下次还需要同样操作,盈利的机会大一些。 有消息说微软和诺基亚要联合收购$RIM,$RIM市后上涨超过10%。是买回空卖股票的时候了。 $AMZN今天表现不如指数,从技术上看到了转为上升趋势的时候了。






The roller coaster ride has taken its toll. According to a Lipper study, the average U.S. mutual fund is down 5.9% on the year. Out of 8,036 funds tracked by Lipper, 92% of them – more than 9 out of 10 – are showing a loss. Many are deep in the red: Some of the major stars in the money management world (Bill Miller, Bruce Berkowitz, John Paulson and others) are down 30 – 40 percent or more.  - Tycoon Report, Dec 19







Poor RIM

最后一句太不厚道了 :)

A driver transporting 22 pallets of Research In Motion tablets from America to Ontario had his truck—and $17 million worth of BlackBerry PlayBooks—stolen.
The grand theft auto occurred while the driver was stopped at the Pilot Travel Center off State Road 67. With no tracking device on the shipment and no suspects on police radar, it's going to be a challenge to recover the tens of thousands of mobile devices. Police are investigating for clues and have summoned the Interstate Theft Task Force for assistance.
(Good luck to whomever tries to sell them. RIM couldn't do it.)























通货膨胀失控了还是很可怕的 -


















A day after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi damped expectations the bank would become more aggressive in supporting euro-zone debt markets, the ECB responded to a sharp rise in Italian yields by buying the country's bonds.

"I don't think the ECB is going to voluntarily come in and say because leaders have agreed [to better fiscal rules] it will back things up with aggressive action, but there is also nothing to stop the ECB from stepping up if it's forced to," said Nick Matthews, economist at Royal Bank of Scotland.
-Wall Street Journal



减少了股票的多头头寸,略有盈利。空卖的$SPY COVERED CALL 过期,实现盈利。其中一支REIT表现很差,因为调低了股息,下周找机会处理出去。其它两只REIT还可以,如果能保持现有股息,会有不错的回报。Day-trade时机把握不好。


































LastChangeToday's % Change1 Week % ChangeYTD % Change
S&P 5001244.28-0.30-0.02%7.39%-1.06%
Russell 2000735.024.270.58%10.34%-6.21%
CBOE VIX27.520.110.40%-20.16%55.04%

$RIMM宣布无法达到多次下调的全年预期盈利,股价再一次剧降。手中的$RIMM空头有了盈利。这次建仓的时机选择得有些愚蠢,应该在昨天高点时卖空。 经过几天的测试(通过Day-trade)发现支撑$FMCN股价的力量用尽,于是保留了空头头寸。

空卖的$SPY COVERED CALL盈利,有继续空卖下周的CALL。没有操作黄金。我认为近期市场还是区间震荡,多,空仓位较为平衡。










各央行的举措激发了牛市。主要指数DOW 涨4.24%, SP500 涨4.33%, NASDAQ 涨4.17%。黄金涨1.95%。DOW是在2009年3月23日后涨幅最大的,DOW收在12000上。值得注意的是在最后一小时内,各指数上涨超过1%。同前天大牛市一样。


交易方面,建立了$FMCN的空头头寸,还是没有掌握好价格,收市前平仓了,有微利。$FMCN这几天都有大买家在一个短暂的时间内将价格买上去,然后跳水。空卖了本周的$SPY COVERED CALL。计划在进入熊市时建立空头头寸。12月一般不是做空的好季节。




多头力量不足,失去了控制。金融和科技股表现不好。主要指数中DOW, SP500 略涨, NASDAQ 略涨。黄金微涨。市场可能要继续熊市。


新建了$RIMM空头头寸。空卖$FMCN,但感觉价格不好,收市前关闭了。感觉有买家仍然在支持 $FMCN 的价格。



今天美国股市在连降七天后迎来了个大牛市。这轮熊市空头力量不如八月的大。主要指数DOW 涨2.59%, SP500 涨2.92%, NASDAQ 涨3.52%。黄金涨约2%。美国“黑色星期五”创纪录的销售额,及欧洲各国领导人对解决债务危机的承诺给了市场信心。在各种问题没有真正解决前市场不会进入长期牛市(我认为在调整过后是一个长期牛市)。市场随机性很强,不是很重要的一个事件就可以推动市场。

与节日销售有关的公司表现很好,$AMZN 涨6.44%,$DELL 涨5.34%,$AAPL 涨3.45%。目前短期熊市还没有结束。







股票 - 代表有限责任公司资产若干份中的一份。通常炒股就是通过交易所买卖在那里挂牌公司的股票。投资股票的目的在于:获得股票价格上升带来的资产升值;获得股息收入。

股票期权 - 一种金融衍生物,是付出价钱后得到一个权力。股票期权代表的是在一定时间内,以确定的价格买入或卖出某只股票的权力。期权拥有者可以选择行使或者不行使此权利。其本身价格由所基于的股票及其它一些因素决定。有两个种类:看涨期权(Call),代表有买入股票的权力;看跌期权(Put),代表有卖出股票的权力。

期货合同 - 一种金融衍生物。是在未来一定时间以一定价格购买某种物资的协议。




(Long term)

















ZT: 美国地产投资注意事项



(1)城市 - 北京,上海,深圳在总体上升值快,涨幅大;交易量大,买卖迅速
(2)学区 - 省/市重点学校周围的房价比其它地段同类型的要高出三五成
(3)交通 - 地铁,高速 


中国人的素质高,重视教育。即使父母工作不好,或者没有工作,他们也会让子女受教育,有机会发展更好。这样在中国就不会普遍存在一些美国式破落小区(run-down neighborhood)。

美国的住宅小区生命周期比中国的要长许多,城市中住宅小区许多有几十年,上百年的历史。在美国一个小区中如果出现了一定数量的无业或低收入人员,其中一些人酗酒,吸毒,不重视子女的教育,从而导致他们的下一代很多会更加差劲。用不到几年, 此地就会成为一个破落小区,成为犯罪分子的地盘。













奥克维尔地产原创 -  http://blog.sina.com.cn/oakvillerealestate






今天有不少机会,没有时间做。能全时操作会好很多。如Livermore所说 -

Speculation is a hard and trying business, and a speculator must be on the job all the time or he'll soon have no job to be on.





今天Focus Media ($FMCN)逐条反驳了Muddy Waters的指控。后来有人发现Muddy Waters的网站被黑了,不知道是不是Focus Media派人干的。Muddy Waters还真够敬业的,网站歇菜了还不忘提醒大家卖$FMCN。笑坏我了。

我更相信Muddy Waters一些。例如提到的Good Will,有的公司市值30亿美元,其中有10亿美元是Good Will;有的公司资产80%是Good Will。最后都得记成亏损。$FMCN在上有问题毫不奇观,这种公司一贯不计代价收购公司来增加营业额。 增加的Good Will可能是营业额的几百倍。

Muddy Waters以往的战绩不错:$CCME, $RINO, $SNOFF都被它干掉了。




全球股市暴降。美国国会的赤字扯皮委员会又上路了。立马就给空头添了把火。Bears love you guys! Way to go!


早晨在Twitter中看到Muddy Waters出报告揭露$FMCN的问题。$FMCN收市时降40%,最低时降幅超过60%。又一个中国公司被干掉了。几个月前是SINO FOREST。




在以前信息不发达及内幕交易盛行的时候,经常会出现某只股票,某个行业,或者市场没有缘由的大涨或者大跌。如Livermore所叙述的 -

The tape does not concern itslef with the why and wherefore. It doesn't go into explanations. I didn't ask the tape why when I was fourteen, and I don't ask to-day, at forty. The reason for what a certain stock does today may not be known for two or three days, or weeks, or months. But what the dickens does that matter? Your business with the tape is now - not to-morrow. The reason can wait.



如何预测已知重大事件的结果及影响(如联储执行QE2,美国信誉降级),如何在突发事件时(如日本地震,利比亚内战)第一时间做出正确反映,和如何合理建立仓位,是现在交易人员最应该掌握的。市场需要一段时间来将一个重要事件彻底体现在股价上。但必须在正确时机果断出手,这样才会有足够的利润来保持正确的仓位。如Livermore所叙述的 -

stocks are never too high to buy or too low to sell

今天Muddy Waters出报告揭露$FMCN的问题。$FMCN收市时降40%,最低时降幅超过60%。Muddy Water的知情人士可以在发表报告前建立仓位,在当天他们可以比其他交易人员多30%的利润。随着股价的降低,空头利润的增长,这一数字可以降为10%。










欧洲债务问题的解决 方法只有多发行欧元,把眼前的问题先推到未来。然后采取预防补救等措施。可能还需要几个月的时间。






关闭了到期的$MMM PUT。在牛市结束时,手中竟然没有空头头寸了。在市场冲高时在建立空头头寸。





"We are all waiting for the catalyst to a better or worse market - to us this means that the markets are now waiting for the ECB to step in."








手中的多头头寸损失,不过空卖的COVERED CALL的盈利弥补了损失。$MMM的PUT还有较大的损失。忽略了$MMM即将要发股息的事。应该在上周盈利时获利退出空头,转为多头。



2011-11-16, Teeka Tiwari

The dark horse in all of this continues to be gold.
But I'll make it really simple: If gold sells off on a spike up in the dollar and we see a pull-back into the $1,600's, I think it’s a buying opportunity.

2011-12-23, Peter Brandt

Gold could be heading to substantial new all-time highs.
I could be long next week — another idea precious metal bulls cannot quite grasp.

2012-02-01, Teeka Tiwari

Back on December 14th 2011 I recommended buying physical gold in three blocks if we saw a pull back to $1550, $1,500 and $1,480 respectively.  We got as low as $1,523, which would have allowed a partial position to be put on.

I followed up that article with another suggesting that you might want to take profits at $1,675 to $1,700.  So far it looks like I was a little conservative, considering that gold is now at $1,750!

In my opinion, all of this is already in the market, and physical gold now looks like it will cap out over the short term at about $1,765 and then experience a pullback to the $1,685 - $1,700 level.  Down at that level, I think you can look to be a buyer again.





"Only way out I see is ECB monetization. Risk inflation to prevent default. Who needs 2% inflation in a failed Euro zone?"



手中的多头头寸表现尚好。空头有一定损失,仍然持有,保持平衡。近来主要盈利在于卖出COVERED CALL,收益率不大,但比较平稳。




$CTRP下季度预期不好 ,降幅超过12%。中国股近来表现不好,$SINA自七月已经下降了1/3。

在中午低点买入$SPY股票, 在收市前卖出COVERED 127 CALL。卖出$GLD的COVERED 175 CALL。


All the info are extracted from free, published articles. We use the tracked data to evaluate services.


Peter Brandt http://peterlbrandt.com/silver-is-set-up-for-a-major-league-hammering/

Silver is set up for a major league hammering - The entire rally has taken the form of a rising wedge, normally a bearish chart pattern. Note how the upper and lower boundaries are converging. This is a sign the market is reaching a point of termination. A symmetrical triangle has been forming since Oct. 28.








今天是加拿大的阵亡将士纪念日(Remembrance Day),美国的老兵日(Veteran Day)。政府银行放假。美国的债券市场关闭。


关闭了赔钱的本月$SPY 122 PUT。保留了$MMM 82.5-77.5 PUT SPREAD。多头的$SPY和$GLD盈利。本周的牛市调整结束太快,手中的空头仓位损失很大。另一个关键问题是没有趋势,要盈利必须迅速,而且买入卖出的价格很敏感。




On Thursday, Italy raised 5 billion euros, or $6.8 billion, in an auction of one-year securities. The Italian treasury sold the full allotment, but it paid an average rate of 6.09 percent to do so, far above the 3.57 percent it paid for a similar offering on Oct. 3. It was also the most Italy has paid for such debt since September 1997, when the country still used the lira. - NY Times


关闭了$SPY COVERED PUT和$GLD COVERED CALL。股票仓位偏空。黄金这几天比较平静,$GLD仓位合理,继续持有,目标是$185。





市场对于意大利债务问题的担心终于体现出来了,所有指数大降,SP500降3.65%, DOW降3.2%。 是七周来降幅最大的。意大利十年国债利息超过7%,在这个利率下,意大利将没有可能偿还债务。


"At some point, US markets will NOT care about European news. But for now, we are trading purely on news out of Europe."


昨天增加的$MMM PUT SPREAD今天表现很好。手中的$SPY PUT恢复一些价值,卖出了本周的COVERED PUT。昨天关闭$LNKD空头的操作不成功,应该保留。买入SPY股票,保持仓位中性。如果确认短期趋势转为熊市,利用期权大力做空。黄金价格也下降,也许是有谣言意大利要卖黄金还债。不过意大利的黄金已经用作抵押了,不可以随便卖。









关闭了的$LNKD的PUT SPREAD。由于市场对于$LNKD看空,因此PUT 价格很高。这次不如直接空卖。增加了$MMM的82.5-77.5的PUT SPREAD。上述操作体现了高卖低买的策略。但不如直接低点买入股票。$GLD低收。

明天计划做空 $PCLN或$GOOG。




进入十一月以来,多头出于防守位置,但力量仍然强大,挫败了数次空头的进攻。全球经济没有好转多少,还不断有新问题爆发。因此判断即使继续牛市,在 十一月上半月会有较大的调整。

手中的黄金$GLD表现很好,涨幅为2.4%。在收市前卖出其$176 COVERED CALL,锁定当前利润。$LNKD仍然处于下降趋势,但收市时脱离了当天低点,降2.6%。$LNKD的PUT SPREAD产生少量利润,预计本周股价可以降到$75,那时可以平仓了。计划在收市前卖出本周$SPY的COVERED PUT。但由于牛市反转,没有做成。$TD一天平稳,小涨收市。
刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在。 — 晋·陶潜《读山海经》



最近在寻找有投资潜力的奥克维尔独立房屋时发现一个比较好的投资操作 -

此独立房屋位于奥克维尔的River Oak区,房龄大约为二十年。此独立屋在市场上现要价为649K。在周围小区类似房型中价格中属于非常高的。近一步查询发现此独立屋在4个月转手一次。上次要价是539K,成交价是490K。







Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Livermore - the best speculator ever. This book helps me most in my adventure of trading.


There is nothing new in Wall Street. There can't be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market to-day has happened before and will happen again.

The tape does not concern itself with the why and wherefore. It doesn't go into explanations. I didn't ask the tape why when I was fourteen, and I don't ask to-day, at forty. The reason for what a certain stock does today may not be known for two or three days, or weeks, or months. But what the dickens does that matter? Your business with the tape is now - not to-morrow. The reason can wait.


What beat me was not having brains enough to stick to my own game - that is, to play the market only when I was satisfied that precedents favored my play.

The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street.

A stock operator has to fight a lot of expensive enimies within himself.


But there is only one side to the stock market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.

I have been flat broke several times, but my loss has never been a total loss. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now. I always knew I would have another chance and that I would not make the same mistake a second time. I believed in myself. A man must believe in himself and his judgment if he expects to make a living at this game.

Speculation is a hard and trying business, and a speculator must be on the job all the time or he'll soon have no job to be on.

It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. My sitting tight!

The market does not beat them. They beat themselves, because though they have brains they cannot sit tight.

One of the most helpful things that anybody can learn is to give up trying to catch the last eighth or the first. These two are the most expensive eighths in the world.


When a man is right he wants to get all that is coming to him for being right.


Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Remember that stocks are never too high for you to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, don't make a second unless the first shows you a profit.

Chapter 8

If you begin right you will not see your profitable position seriously menaced; and then you will find no trouble in sitting tight.


Timid people don't like to buy a stock at a new high record. But I had the history of such movements to guide me.

The way to make money is to make it. The way to make big money is to be right at exactly the right time.

The news simply meant that the bull cliques were still fighting desperately against conditions - against common sense and against common honesty, for they knew what was coming and were resorting to such schemes to put up the market in order to unload stocks before the storm struck them.




When I make money I make it backing my own opinions.

A man cannot be convinced against his own convictions, but he can be talked into a state of uncertainty and indecision, which is even worse, for that means that he cannot trade with confidence and comfort.

Of all speculative blunders there are few greater than trying to average a losing game.

Always sell what shows you a loss and keep what shows you a profit.

There isn't a man in Wall Street who has not lost money trying to make the market pay for an automobile or a bracelet or a motor boat or a painting.

What does a man do when he sets out to make the stock market pay for a sudden need? Why, he merely hopes. He gambles. He therefore runs much greater risks than he would if he were speculating intelligently, in accordance with opinions or beliefs logically arrived at after a dispassionate study of underlying conditions. To begin with, he is after an immediate profit. He cannot afford to wait.








ZT: 繁荣的奥克维尔(Oakville, Ontario)

奥克维尔市(Oakville, Ontario)在安大略省西南部,属于荷顿区。周围主要的城市有密西沙加市(东),米尔顿市(北),伯灵顿市(西)。奥克维尔市面积是139平方公里,人口约为18万(2011),人口密度适中(密西沙加大约是奥克维尔的1.5倍)。奥克维尔是加拿大第二低犯罪率的城市(仅次于Caledon,2011)。奥克维尔还多年保持了加拿大家庭收入第一的位置,在最近几年让位于西部的采油城市,名列第二。

奥克维尔自然环境非常好。被评选为2011年气候最佳(Best Weather)城市。奥克维尔拥有安大略湖最美的湖滨,有超过3,200公顷公园用地,超过1,400公里林间小径。Bronte Creek Provincial Park是四季开放的省级公园,一年四季都有合适的户外活动:露营,远足,游泳,钓鱼,雪橇,越野滑雪。Bronte Creek和Sixteen Mile Creek是贯穿奥克维尔两条美丽的溪谷,在河流入湖口是两个港口。秋季可以在这两条河畔观看大马哈鱼(Salmon)洄游的景观。

Bronte 港

在住宅区规划上, 奥克维尔注重了对人口密度的控制和对环境的保护。每个小区都保留有部分原始森林。有的小区有上百尺高的橡树,一人多粗的松柏,两人合抱不过来的柳树;有的小区的林地中生活有小群的鹿。

奥克维尔有优秀的基础教育系统。全市有5所公立高中,在2011年的排名中分别为: Oakville Trafalgar 4,Iroquois Ridge 16,Abbey Park 34,Thomas A Blakelock 63,White Oaks 126。其中White Oaks 提供IB(国际大学预科)课程。另外爱普比(Appleby College)是加拿大一流的私人学校,已经有上百年的历史了。




奥克维尔地产原创 - http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1956298313




$LNKD今天上下波动约10%,昨天的PUT SPREAD略有亏损,决定保持现有头寸。此前卖出的COVERED CALL/PUT有两个失效,产生利润。有一个将被EXERCISE。这两周空卖权证(每周)比买权证更有利可图。





今天调整了一下仓位,增加了多头。现在市场每天波动很大,是进行Day-trade的好机会。中午时买入$GLD股,卖出其COVERED CALL。买入加币$TD股。平掉了$AMZN的空头头寸,交易以亏损结束;主要问题是在买回的过程中不够果断。建立了$LNKD 87.5-75 的 PUT SPREAD,预计上季度营业数据不好。个人认为$LNKD将在2-3年内变成十元股。





由于分析认为今天是牛市,所以按计划一开市就卖出了本周的$SPY 121 PUT。还有Day-trade机会,不过没有时间操作。






今天最好的策略是高卖低买。调整了一下$AMZN空头仓位。增加了$MMM的股票多头,并且卖出了其COVERED CALL。增加了11月的$SPY PUT 。整体仓位比较均衡。我们认为$AMZN要比$MMM弱一些。但到现在证明是错的。感觉近期市场还是牛市,对于空投头寸不甚放心。明天可以卖出一些本周$SPY PUT,这样可以降低持有成本。
11/01/2011, 1:30PM 1496 Lancaster Drive, Oakville. Viewed house for sale. It has been on market for long time. There is one major issue with it - there is only on washroom on 2nd floor.






DOW指数今天降2.3%,10月上涨9.5%。今天的下降可以看作是一个回调。欧洲债务问题的“解决”是推动10月牛市的主要力量。今天市场不出意外地发现好像问题没有彻底解决。MF Global Holdings Inc.宣布破产是今天的一个主要话题。此前我们对MF没有什么印象(The Wall Street firm run by former Goldman Sachs Chairman and New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine filed for bankruptcy Monday morning, making it the first big American casualty of the European debt crisis.)。

市后中国的PMI指数低于预期(50.4 vs 51.6),是32个月来最低点。不知道明天对美国股市的影响会有多大。明天美联储的会议也许会推动市场。

今天唯一的交易是空卖$MMM。 想同样做空$F,但没有实施。现在还是牛市,至少短期看。等到市场转为熊市时,再加大做空力度。

ZT: 奥克维尔(Oakville)公寓投资回报分析

我帮助客户在20116月购买了位于奥克维尔Central Park Drive的一个不到两年新的公寓单元。此单元为1+1室,位于10层,面积是610平方尺,另有113平方尺的大面积阳台,有两个停车位。阳台面向西南,可以居高远望南面的安大略湖和西面的尼亚加拉山岭。周围有超过万尺的公园绿地。


客户很快把单元出租出去,在收房后第四天就开始收租金了。每月租金为$1,500(类似户型租金在$1,450-$1,600之间)。 管理费是$386.02/月, 地税$1,925/

20%首付,30年房贷,5年浮动2.1%P-0.9)利率情况下(每两周还款为$339.31),在不考虑维修的情况下, 每个月的正现金流为:

$1,500 - $339.31x26/12 - $386.02 - $1,925/12 = $218.39 (

在所还贷款中,第一年还本金额为$4,749.83, 还息为$4,078.12。以后各年还本金额逐渐增加,还息减少。到第五年还本$5,165.67, 还息$3,668.28。

以较为保守的每年2%的物业升值为假设,第一年的收益率为:(247,000x2%+4,749.83)/50,000 = 19.38%。第五年的收益为:(247,000x2%+5,165.67)/50,000 = 20.2%。



奥克维尔地产原创 - http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1956298313







Day-trade 技术总结


对于利空事件, 建立尽快空头仓位。





北美股市大涨,道琼斯指数在8月2 号跌破12000以后,第一次回到了12000以上。SP500涨幅更大,为3.43%。





平仓$RIMM和$TD的空卖头寸,$RIMM有大约5%的盈利。Day-trade $MMM,略有盈利,而$SPY PUT多头交易有较大损失。




北美市场因此大降(SP500 收1229.05,降25.14)。在企业盈利方面,$MMM利润下降,股价降6.25%。市后$AMZN报告盈利数据不好,市后降$28,全天降$38。

今天的交易是空卖$MMM,进入点不好,到收市时略有亏损。如果明天市场继续走低,可以买入$SPY PUT。另外黄金,白银涨幅可观,应该周一建立多头头寸。


ZT: 适宜居住的伯灵顿(Burlington, Ontario)



伯灵顿市同其它荷顿区城市一样,拥有在安省领先的教育体系。伯灵顿市有9所高中,其中3所在百名内。另外Robert Bateman High School提供有IB课程。

伯灵顿市的高档住宅区主要有两块,一是南面安大略湖畔的湖滨住宅,另一处是位于尼亚加拉山岭(Niagara Escapement)地区的庄园豪宅。伯灵顿和奥克维尔分享了安大略湖最佳的湖岸线。湖滨住宅的特点是各自有其独特的设计,集精致与大气于一体。屋前屋后及街道两旁的参天古树是非常独特的(位于湖畔的树木要生长的更为粗壮高大),这给了住宅良好的私密空间。

近年来伯灵顿在不断向北开发。在QEW已北开发了几个面向中产阶级的新区,有Millcroft, Orchard Garden, Alton Village。但由于北部的保护区,可开发空间已经十分有限了。

奥克维尔地产原创 - http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_749abe490100z2sn.html


今天美国股市上涨,幅度较大(SP500 +15.94)。其推动力量是(1)欧洲债务危机的解决承诺;(2)中国PMI指数超过预期,市场对中国经济软着陆产生希望;(3)$CAT上季度盈利很好。




Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy

Personal discipline, self-sufficiency, and pragmatism are the crucial characteristics of the successful speculator.






上周北美股市低开高收,小涨(SP500 1191-1239)。牛,熊在争夺控制权。几乎每天改变方向,想赚钱只有Day-trade了。而且买期权很难盈利。

我们减少了空头头寸。空卖的$MMM covered call被执行(很不成功,卖出的价格太低,时间太早;买$MMM的时机不好,是第一个错误)。手里持有的大部分是现金了。


奥克维尔地产 Oakville

奥克维尔地产 Oakville Real Estate

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Twitter - @liyiyao
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平仓了本周的$SPY PUT,损失巨大,超过60%。没有增加其它头寸。近来市场没有趋势,不能全时交易,因此需要看准时机再出手。



卖空的$RIMM, $TD表现还可以。$SPY PUT还是处于危险中。



$RIMM由于推出了新系统,价格上涨。不过其空头头寸并无大碍。错过了关闭$SPY PUT的最佳时机。

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications

Good textbook on technical analysis. I do not depend charts to decide my move. Instead, I use them to verify my ideas and decisions.

Chapter 1 Philosophy of Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is the study of market action, primarily through the use of charts, for the purpose of forecasting future price trends.

Philosophy or rationale

1. Market action discounts everything.
2. Prices move in trends.
3. History repeats itself.

As a rule, chartists do not concern themselves with the reasons why prices rise or fall. Very often, in the early stages of price trend or at critical turning points, no one seems to know exactly why a market is performing a certain way.

A trend in motion is more likely to continue than to reverse.

The fundamentalist studies the cause of market movement, while the technician studies the effect.

Market price tends to lead the known fundamentals. Stated another way, market price acts as a leading indicator of the fundamentals or the conventional wisdom of the moment. (* This is not correct! There is cause, then there is effect. Someone must know the change with fundamentals and act accordingly, thus move the prices. Otherwise, market is moved blindly.)

Chart reading becomes a shortcut form of fundamental analysis. (* This is not correct! One side statement.)

Because of the high leverage factor in the futures markets, timing is especially crucial in that arena. It is quite possible to be correct on the general trend of the market and still lose money.

One of the great strengths of technical analysis is its adaptability to virtually any trading medium and time dimension.

Technical analysis in stocks relies much more heavily on the use of sentiment indicators and flow of fund analysis.

Technical analysis in the futures markets is a much purer form of price analysis.

Chapter 2 Dow Theory

Charles Dow and his partner Edward Jones founded Dow Jones & Company in 1882.

Dow theory still forms the cornerstone of the study of technical analysis.

Basic tenets of Dow theory

1. The average discount everything.
2. The market has three trends.
3. Major trends have three phases.
4. The averages must confirm each other.
5. Volume must confirm the trend.
6. A trend is assumed to be in effect until it gives definite signals that it has reversed.

Dow relied exclusively on closing prices.

Chapter 3 Chart Construction

The bar chart shows the open, high, low, and closing prices. The tic to the right of the vertical bar is the closing price. The opening price is the tic to the left of the bar.

In the line chart, only the closing price is plotted for each successive day.

Point and figure chart - x column shows rising prices; o column shows falling prices.

Candlestick chart

Weekly and monthly charts compress the price action to allow for much longer range trend analysis.

Chapter 4 Basic Concepts of Trend

The important point to remember here is that the breaking of the third line is the valid trend reversal signal.

It's interesting to note that how often the number three shows up in the study of technical analysis and the important role it plays in so many technical approaches.

In general, most important up trendlines tend to approximate an average slope of 45 degrees.

If a trendline is too steep, it usually indicates that prices are advancing too rapidly and that the current steep ascent will not be sustained.

If a trendline is too flat, it may indicate that the uptrend is too weak and not to be trusted.

As in the case of the basic trendline, the longer the channel remians intact and the more often it is successfully tested, the more important and reliable it becomes.

The failure to reach the upper end of the channel is often an early warning that the lower line will be broken.

As a general rule of thumb, the failure of any move within an established price channel to reach one side of the channel usually indicates that the trend is shifing, and increases the likelihood that the other side of the channel will be broken.

Once a breakout occurs from an existing price channel, prices usually travel a distance equal to the width of the channel.

It should always be kept in mind that of the two lines, the basic trendline is by far the more important and the more reliable.

Usually, a minimum retracement is about 33% and a maximum about 66%. What this means is that, in a correction of a strong trend, the market usually retraces at least a third of the previous move.

The maximum retracement parameter is 66%, which becomes an especially critical area. If the prior trend is to be maintained, the correction must stop at the two-thirds point.

Gann and Fibonacci lines are used in the same way as speedlines. They are supposed to provide support during downward corrections. When one line is broken, pricess will usually fall to the next lower line.

The breakaway gap usually occurs at the completion of an important price pattern, and usually signals the beginning of a significant market move. Ater a market has completed a major basing pattern, the breaking of resistance often occurs on a breakway gap.

Breakaway gaps usually occur on heavy volume.

After the move has been underway for awhile, somewhere around the middle of the move, prices will leap forward to form a second type of gap (or a series of gaps) called the runaway gap (measuring gap). This type of gap reveals a situation where the market is moving offerotlessly on moderate volume.

The Exhaustion Gap. The final type of gap appears near the end of a market move. Near the end of an uptrend, prices leap forward in a last gasp.

The Island Reversal. Sometimes after the upward exhaustion gap has formed, prices will trade in a narrow range for a couple of days or a couple of weeks before gapping to the downside.

Chapter 5 Major Reversal Patterns

Price patterns are pictures or formations, which appear on price charts of stocks or commodities, that can be classifies into different categories, and that have predictive value.


1. A prerequisite for any reversal pattern is the existence of a prior trend.
2. The first signal of an impending trend reversal is often the breaking of an important trendline.
3. The larger the pattern, the greater the subsequent move.
4. Topping patterns are usually shorter in duration and more volatile than bottoms.
5. Bottoms usually have smaller price ranges and take longer to build.
6. Volume is usually more important on the upside.

Topping patterns are usually shorter in duration and are more volatile than bottoms.

The completion of each pattern should be accompanied by a noticeable increase in volume.


Most of the other reversal patterns are just variations of the head and shoulders.

The left and right shoulders (A and E) are at about the same height. The head (C) is higher than either shoulder. Notice the higher volume on each peak. The pattern is completed on a close under the neckline (line 2). The minimum objective is the vertical distance from the head to the neckline projected downward from the breaking of the neckline. A return move will often occur back to the neckline, which should not recross the neckline once it has been broken.


As a general rule, the second peak (the head) should take place on lighter volume than the left shoulder.

The most important volume signal takes place during the third peak (the right shoulder). Volume should be noticeably lighter than on the previous two peaks. Volume should then expand on the breaking of the neckline, decline during the return move, and then expand again once the return move is over.


In general, most valid double tops or bottoms should have at least a month between the two peaks or troughs. Some will even be two or three months apart.

The saucer bottom shows a very slow and very gradual turn from down to sideways to up.

Saucer bottoms are usually spotted on weekly or monthly charts that span several years. The longer they last, the more significant they become.

Spikes are the hardest market turns to deal with because the spike (or V pattern) happens very quickly with little or no transition period.

Chaper 6 Continuation Patterns

Continuatoin patterns are usually shorter term in the duration and are more acurately classified as near term or intermediate patterns.

There are three types of triangles - symmetrical, ascending, and descending.

The symmetrical triangle is also called a coil.

The ascending triangle has a rising lower line with a flat or horizontal upper line.

The descending triange has the upper line declining with a flat or horizontal bottom line.

As a general rule, prices should break out in the direction of the prior trend somewhere betwen two-thirds to three-quarters of the horizontal width of the triangle.

The accending triangle is bullish and the descending triangle is bearish. The symmetrical triangle, by contrast, is inherently a neutral pattern.

The triangle is considered an intermediate pattern, meaning that it usually takes longer than a month to form, but generally less than three months.

The expanding pattern, therefore, is usually a bearish formation. It generally appears near the end of a major bull market.

The flag and pennant represent brief pauses in a dynamic market move. In fact, one of the requirements for both the flag and pennant is that they be preceded by a sharp and almost straight line move.

Flags and pennants are among the most reliable of contiuation patterns and only rarely produce a trend reversal.

A bullish pennant resembles a small symmetrical triangle, but usually lasts no longer than three weeks. Volume should be light during its formation.

The wedge formation is similar to a symmetrical triangle both in terms of its shape and the amount of time it talkes to form.

The wedge pattern has a noticeable slant either to the upside or the downside. As a rule, like the flag pattern, the wedge slants against the prevailing tend. Therefore, a falling wedge is considered bullish and a rising wedge is bearish.

The rectangle is sometimes referred to as a trading range or a congestion area.

Chapter 7 Volume and Open Interest

Technicians believe that volume precedes price, meaning that the loss of upside pressure in an uptrend or downside pressure in a downtrend actually shows up in the volume figures before it is manifested in a reversal of the price trend.

On Balance Volume. A running cumulative total is then maintained by adding or subtracting each day's volume based on the direction of the market close.

It is the direction of the OBV line (its trend) that is important and not the actual numbers themselves.

It's when the volume line fails to move in the same directoin as prices that a divergence exists and warns of a possible trend reversal.

1. Rising open interest in an uptrend is bullish.
2. Declining open interst in an uptrend is bearish.
3. Rising open interest in a downtrend is bearish.
4. Declining open interest in a downtrend is bullish.

1. Toward the end of major market moves, where open interest has been increasing throughout the price trend, a leveling off or decline in open interest is often an early warning of a change in trend.
2. A high open interest figure at market tops can be considered bearish if the price drop is very sudden.
3. If open interest builds up noticeably during a sideways consolidation or a horizontal trading range, the ensuing price move intensifies once the breakout occurs.
4. Increasing open interest at the completion of a price pattern is viewed as added confirmation of a reliable trend signal.

In the case of a blowoff at market tops, prices suddenly begin to rally sharply after a long advance, accompanied by a large jump in trading activity and then peak abruptly. In a selling climax bottom, prices suddenly drop sharply on heavy trading activity and rebound as quickly.

The put/call ratio is usually viewed as a contrary indicator. A very high ratio signals an oversold market. A very low ratio is a negative warning of an overbought market.

Chapter 8 Long Term Charts

Anyone who is not consulting these longer range charts is missing an enormous amount of valuable price information.

The proper order to follow in chart analysis is to begin with the long range and gradually work to the near term.

Chapter 9 Moving Averages

The moving average is a follower, not a leader. It never anticipates; it only reacts.

The longer averages work better as long as the trend remains in force, but a shorter average is better when the trend is in the process of reversing.

The most widely used triple crossover system is the popular 4-9-18-day moving average combination.

A buying alert takes place in a downtrend when the 4 day crosses above both the 9 and the 18. A confirmed buy signal occurs when the 9 day then crosses above the 18.

Bollinger Bands are placed two standard deviations above and below the moving average, which is usually 20 days.

The simplest way to use Bollinger Bands is to use the upper and lower bands as price targets.

Bollinger Bands expand and contract based on the last 20 days' volatility.

The 4 week rule is used primarily for futures trading.

1. Cover short positions and buy long whenever the price exceeds the highs of the four preceding full calendar weeks.
2. Liquidate long positions and sell short whenever the price falls below the lows of the four preceding full calendar weeks.

Chapter 10 Oscillators and Contrary Opinion

The oscillator is extremely useful in nontrending markets where prices fluctuate in a horizontal price band, or trading range, creating a market situation where most trend-following systems simply don't work that well.

The oscillator is only a secondary indicator in the sense that it must be subordinated to basic trend analysis.

1. The oscillator is most useful when its value reaches an extreme reading near the upper or lower end of its boundaries. The market is said to be overbought when it is near the upper extreme and oversold when it is near the lower extreme. This warns that the price trend is overextended and vulnerable.
2. A divergence between the oscillator and the price action when the oscillator is in an extreme position is usually an important warning.
3. The crossing of the zero (or midpoint) line can give important trading signals in the direction of the price trend.

Market momentum is measured by continually taking price differences for a fixed time interval.

If the prices are rising and the momentum line is above the zero line and rising, this means the uptrend is accelerating.

Buy position should only be taken on crossings above the zero line if the market trend is up.

To measure the rate of change, a ratio is constructed of the most recent closing price to a price a certain number of days in the past.

Plotting the difference between the two averages as a histogram.

These histogram bars appear as a plus or minus value around a centered zero line. This type of oscillator has three uses:
1. To help spot divergences.
2. To help identity short term variations from the long term trend, when the shorter average moves too far above or below the longer average.
3. To pinpoint the crossings of the two moving averages, which occur when the oscillator crosses the zero line.

Commodity Channel Index (CCI) - compares the current price with a moving average over a selected time span; then normalizes the oscillator values by using divisor based on mean deviation.

CCI readings over +100 are considered overbought and under -100 are oversold.

Relative strength (RS) is determined by dividing the up average by the down average.

RSI=100*(up average)/(up average+down average)

RSI movements above 70 are considered overbought, an oversold condition would be a move under 30.

The 80 level becomes the overbought level in bull markets and the 20 level the oversold level in bear market.

A top failure swing occurs when a peak in the RSI (over 70) fails to exceed a previous peak in an uptrend, followed by a downside break of a previous trough.

A bottom failure swing occurs when the RSI is in a downtrend (under 30), fails to set a new low, and then proceeds to exceed a previous peak.

Divergence between the RSI and the price line, when the RSI is above 70 or below 30, is a serious warning that should be heeded.

Any strong trend, either up or down, usually produces an extreme oscillator reading before too long. In such cases, claims that a market is overbought or oversold are usually premature and can lead to an early exit from a profitable trend.

Stochastic oscillator is based on the observation that as prices increase, closing prices tend to be closer to the upper end of the price range. In downtrends, the closing price trends to be near the lower end of the range.

%K = 100 [(C - L14) / (H14-L14)]

C - latest close; L14 - lowest low for the last 14 periods; H14 - highest high for  the same 14 periods

A very high reading (over 80) would put the closing price near the top of the range, a low reading (under 20) near the bottom of the range.

The second line (%D) is a 3 period moving average of the %K line - fast stochastics.

Taking 3 period average of %D - slow stochastics.

The major signal to watch for is a divergence between the D line and the price of the underlying market when the D line is in an overbought or oversold area.

A bearish divergence occurs when the D line is over 80 and forms two declining peaks while prices continue to move higher.

A bullish divergence is present when the D line is under 20 and forms two rising bottoms while prices continue to move lower.

Assuming all of these factors are in place, the actual buy or sell signal is triggered when the faster K line crosses the slower D line.

%R = 100 [(H14 - C) / (H14-L14)]

The place to start your market analysis is always by determining the general trend of the market.

The danger in placing too much importance on oscillators by themselves is the temptation to use divergence as an excuse to initiate trades contrary to the general trend.

Give less attention to the oscillator in the early stages of an important move, but pay close attention to its signals as the move reaches maturity.

Moving Average Convergence/Diergence (MACD)

The faster line (called the MACD line) is the difference between two exponentially smoothed moving averages of closing prices (usually the last 12 or 26 days or weeks). The slower line (called the signal line) is usually a 9 period exponentially smoothed average of the MACD line.

A crossing by the faster MACD line above the slower signal line is a buy signal. A crossing by the faster MACD line below the slower signal line is a sell signal.

An overbought condition is present when the lines are too far above the zero line. An oversold condition is present when the lines are too far below the zero line.

A negative, or bearish, divergence exists when the MACD lines are well above the zero line (overbought) and start to weaken while prices continue to trend higher (market top).

A positive, or bullish, divergence exists when the MACD lines are well below the zero line (oversold) and start to move up ahead of the price line (market bottom).

The MACD histogram consists of vertical bars that show the difference between the two MACD lines.

When the histogram is over its zero line (positive) but starts to fall toward the zero line, the uptrend is weakening. When the histogram is below its zero line (negative) and starts to move upward toward to zero line, the downtrend is losing its momentum.

To use weekly signals to determine market direction and the daily signals to fine-tune entry and exit points.

Contrary Opinion adds the important third dimension to market analysis-the psychological-by determining the degree of bullishness or bearishness among participants in the various financial markets.

The principle of Contrary Opinion holds that when the vast majority of people agree on anything, they are generally wrong. A true contrarian will first try to determine what the majority are doing and then will act in the opposite direction.

Consensus Index of Bullish Market Opinion - 75% as overbought and 25% as oversold.

If the overwhelming sentiment of market traders is on one side of the market, there simply isn't enough buying or selling pressure left to continue the present trend.

The 80%, who are holding much smaller positions per trader, are considered to be weaker hands who will be forced to liquidate those longs on any sudden turn in prices.

A contrarian position can usually be considered when the bullish consensus numbers are above 90% or under 20%.

The higher the open interest figures are, the better the chance that the contrarian positions will prove profitable. Wait for the open interest number to begin to flatten out or to decline before taking actin.

Contrary Opinion works better when most of the open interest is held by speculators, who are considered to be weaker hands. It is not advisable to trade against large hedging interests.

The failure of prices to react to bullish news in an overbought area is a clear warning that a turn may be near. The first adverse news is usually enough to quickly push prices in the other direction.

Chapter 11 Point and Figure Charting

The point and figure chart is a study of pure price movement.

The larger the number of boxes required for a reversal, the less sensitive the chart becomes. By using larger box size, fewer signals are given.

The 1 box reversal is generally used for very short term activity and the 3 box for the study of the intermediate trend. The 5 box reversal, because of its severe condensation, is used for the study of long term trends.

The principle of the horizontal count is based on the premise that there is a direct relationship between the width of a congestion area and the subsequent move once a breakout occurs.

The horizontal line to account across is near the middle of the congestion area. A more precise rule is to use the line that has the least number of empty boxes in it(the line with the most number of filled in x's and o's).

3 point reversal chart

If the last column is an x column, then look at the high price for the day.

When daily high price is not high enough to fill the next x box, look at the low price to determine if a 3 box reversal has occurred in the other direction.

In an uptrend, the bullish support line is drawn at at 45 degree angle upward to the right from under the lowest column of o's.

In a downtrend, the bearish resistance line is drawn at a 45 degree angle downward to the right from the top of the highest column of x's.

1. A simple buy signal can be used for the covering of old shorts and/or the initiation of new longs.
2. A simple sell signal can be user for the liquidation of old longs and/or the initiation of new shorts.
3. The simple signal can be used only for liquidation purposes with a complex formation needed for a new commitment.
4. The trendline can be used as a filter. Long positions are taken above the trendline and short positions below the trendline.
5. For stop protection, always risk below the last column of o's in an uptrend and over the last column of x's in a downtrend.
6. The actual entry point can be varied as follows:
   a. Buy the actual breakout in an uptrend.
   b. Buy a 3 box reversal after the breakout occurs to obtain a lower entry  point.
   c. Buy a 3 box reversal in the direction of the original breakout after a correction occurs. Not only does this require the added confirmation of a positive reversal in the right direction, but a closer stop point can now be used under the latest column of o's.
   d. Buy a second breakout in the same direction as the original breakout signal.

After an uninterrupted move of 10 or more boxes, place a protective stop at the point where a 3 box reversal would occur. If the position does get stopped out, reentry can be done on another 3 box reversal in the direction of the original trend.


1. By varying the box and reversal sizes, these charts can be adapted to almost any need. There are also many different ways these charts can be used for entry and exit points.
2. Trading signals are more precise on point and figure charts than bar charts.
3. By following these specific point and figure signals, better trading discipline can be achieved.

Chapter 12 Japanese Candlesticks

Days in which the difference between the open and close prices is great (small) are called Long Days (Short Days).

Spinning Tops (indecision) are days in which the candlesticks have small bodies with upper and lower shadows that are of greater length than that of the body.

When the open price and the close price are equal, they are called Doji lines.

The Long-legged Doji has long upper and lower shadows and reflects considerable indecision on the part of market participants.

The Gravestone Doji has only a long upper shadow and no lower shadow. The longer the upper shadow, the more bearish the interpretation.

The Dragonfly Doji is the opposite of the Gravestone Doji, the lower shadow is long and there is no upper shadow. It is usually considered quite bullish.

Once the short term (ten periods or so) trend has been determined, Japanese candle patterns will significantly assist in identifying the reversal of that trend.

Dark Cloud Cover

This is a two day reversal pattern that only has bearish implications.

Dark Cloud Cover
Piercing Line

The opposite of the Dark Cloud Cover, it has bullish implications.

Piercing Line

Evening Star and Morning Star

The Evening Star is a bearish reversal candle pattern. The first day of this pattern is a long white candlestick which fully enforces the current uptrend. On the opening of the second day, prices gap up above the body of the first day. Trading on this second day is somewhat restricted and the close price is near the open price while remaining above the body of the first day. The body for the second day is small. This type of day following a long day is referred to as a Star pattern. A Star is a small body day that gaps away from a long body day. The third and last day of this pattern opens with a gap below the body of the star and closes lower with the close price below the midpoint of the first day.

Evening Star
Morning Star
Rising and Falling Three Methods

Bullish continuation - long white day; 3 small body days (at least 2 have black bodies) trend downward; on the fifth day, long white day closes at a new high.

Rising 3 Method
Bearish continuation -
Falling 3 Method

Filtered Candle Patterns

While the short term trend of the market must be identified before a candle pattern can exist, determination of overbought and oversold markets using traditional technical analysis will enhance a candle pattern's predictive ability.

Candle patterns are considered only when %D is in its presignal area (<20%, >80%).

Chapter 13 Elliott Wave Theory

There are three important aspects of wave theory - pattern, ratio, and time.

Pattern refers to the wave patterns or formations that comprise the most important element of the theory.

Ratio analysis is useful in determining retracement points and price objectives by measuring the relationships between the different waves.

Time relationship also exist and can be used to confirm the wave patterns and ratios (considered less reliable in market forecasting).

Elliott Wave Theory says that the stock market follows a repetitive rhythm of a five wave advance followed by a three wave decline.

Wave 1, 3, 5 - called impulse waves - are rising waves, while waves 2 and 4 move against the uptrend. Waves 2 and 4 are called corrective waves because they correct waves 1 and 3.

The three corrective waves are identified by the letters a, b, c.

Being able to determine between threes and fives is of tremendous importance in the application of this approach. That information tells the analyst what to expect next.

One of the most important rules to remember is that a correction can never take place in five waves.

A zig-zag is a three wave corrective pattern, against the major trend, which breaks down into a 5-3-5 sequence.

Bull market zig-zag
Double zig-zag
Flat follows 3-3-5 pattern.

Regular Flat
Expanded Flat
In general, the flat is more of a consolidation than a correction and is considered a sign of strength in a bull market.

Triangles usually occur in the fourth wave and precede the final move in the direction of the major trend. (also b wave)

Elliott's triangle is a sideways consolidation pattern that breaks down into five waves, each wave in turn having three waves of its own.

Corrective patterns tend to alternate. In other words, if corrective wave 2 was a simple a-b-c pattern, wave 4 will probably be a complex pattern, such as triangle. If wave 2 is complex, wave 4 will probably be simple.

Once five up waves have been completed and a bear trend has begun, that bear market will usually not move below the previous fourth wave of one lesser degree; that is, the last fourth wave that was formed during the previous bull advance.

Fibonacci numbers - 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...

1. The sum of any two consecutive numbers equals the next higher number.
2. The ratio of any number to its next higher number approaches .618(after first four numbers).
3. The ratio of any number to its next lower number is approximately 1.618.
4. The ratio of alternate numbers approach 2.618 or its inverse, .382.

Fibonacci rations and retracements

1. One of the three impulse waves sometimes extends. The other two are equal in time and magnitude. If wave 5 extends, wave 1 and 3 should be about equal. If wave 3 extends, waves 1 and 5 tend toward equality.
2. A minimum target for the top of wave 3 can be obtained by multiplying the length of wave 1 by 1.618 and adding that total to the bottom of 2.
3. The top of wave 5 can be approximated by multiplying wave 1 by 3.236 (2x1.618) and adding that value to the top or bottom of wave 1 for maximum and minimum targets.
4. Where waves 1 and 3 are about equal, and wave 5 is expected to extend, a price objective can be obtained by measuring the distance from the bottom of wave 1 to the top of wave 3, multiplying by 1.618, and adding the result to the bottom of 4.
5. For corrective waves, in a normal 5-3-5 zig-zag correction, wave c is often about equal to the length of wave a.
6. Another way to measure the possible length of wave c is to multiply .618 by the length of wave a and subtract that result from the bottom of wave a.
7. In the case of a flag 3-3-5 correction, where the b wave reaches or exceeds the top of wave a, wave c will be about 1.618 the length of a.
8. In a symmetrical triangle, each successive wave is related to its previous wave by about .618.

Chapter 14 Time Cycle

Two conclusions by Dewey -

First, that many of the cycles of seemingly unrelated phenomena clustered around similar periods.
The second discovery was that these similar cycles acted in synchrony, that is, they turned at the same time.

The principle of Summation holds that all price movement is the simple addition of all active cycles.

The principle of Harmonicity means that neighboring waves are usually related by a small, whole number.

The principle of Synchronicity refers to the strong tendency for waves of differing lengths to bottom at about the same time.

The principle of Variation is a recognition of the fact that all of the other cyclic principles already mentioned are just strong tendencies and hot hard and fast rules.

The principle of Nominality is based on the premise that, despite the differences that exist in the various markets  and allowing for some variation in the implementing of cyclic principles, there seems to be a nominal set harmonically related cycles that affect all markets.

The cycle crests act differently depending on the trend of the next longer cycle. If the trend is up, the cycle crest shifts to the right of the ideal midpoint, causing right translation. If the longer trend is down, the cycle crest shifts to the left of the midpoint, causing left translation. Therefore, right translation is bullish and left translation is bearish.

The seasonal cycle refers to the tendency for markets to move in a given direction at certain times of the year.

The strongest three month span for the stock market is November through January. February is weaker, but is followed by a strong March and April.

Chapter 15 Computers and Trading Systems

As useful as it is, the computer is only a tool. It can make a good technical analyst even better. It won't turn a poor technician into a good one.

Chapter 16 Money Management and Trading Tactics

Any successful trading program must take into account three important factors: price forecasting, timing, and money management.

1. Price forecasting indicate which way a market is expected to trend. The forecasting process determines whether the trader is bullish or bearish.
2. Trading tactics, or timing, determines specific entry and exit points. It is quite possible to be correct on the direction of the market, but still lose money on a trade if the timing is off.
3. Money management covers the allocation of funds.

Some General Money Management Guidelines (refer primarily to futures trading)

1. Total invested funds should be limited to 50% of total capital. The balance is placed in Treasure Bills.
2. Total commitment in any one market should be limited to 10-15% of total equity.
3. The total amount risked in any one market should be limited to 5% of total equity. This 5% refers to how much the trader is willing to lose if the trade doesn't work.
4. Total margin in any market group should be limited to 20-25% of total equity.

Stop placement is an art. The trader must combine technical factors on the price chart with money management considerations. Protective stops placed too close may result in unwanted liquidation on short term market swings (noise). Protective stops placed too far away may avoid the noise factor, but result in larger losses.

That profit objective (the reward) is then balanced against the potential loss if the trade goes wrong (the risk). A commonly used yardstick is a 3 to 1 reward-to-risk ratio.

The trending portion of the position is held for the long pull. The trading portion of the portfolio is earmarked for shorter term in-and-out trading.

The worst time to increase the size of one's commitments is after a winning streak. That's much like buying into an over bought market in an uptrend. The wiser thing to do (which does against basic human nature) is to begin increasing one's commitments after a dip in equity.

Tactics on Breakouts: Anticipation or Reaction?

The trader could take a small position in anticipation of the breakout, buy some more on the breakout, and add a little more on the corrective dip following the breakout.

The Breaking of Trendlines

If the trader is looking to enter a new position on a technical sign of a trend change or a reason to exit an old position, the breaking of a tight trendline is often an excellent action signal.

Trendlines can also be used for entry points when they act as support or resistance. Buying against a major up trendline or selling against a down trendline can be an effective timing strategy.

Using Support and Resistance

The breaking of resistance can be a signal for a new long position. Protective stops can then be placed under the nearest support point.

Rallies to resistance in a downtrend or declines to support in an uptrend can be used to initiate new positions or add to old profitable ones.

Using Percentage Retracements

In an uptrend, pullbacks that retrace 40-60% of the prior advance can be utilized for new or additional long positions.

Bounces of 40-60% usually provide excellent shorting opportunities in downtrends.

Percentage retracements can be used on intraday charts.

Using Price Gaps

Buy a dip to the upper end of the gap or a dip into the gap itself. In a bear move, sell a rally to the lower end of the gap or into the gap itself.

Types of trading orders

1. The market order instructs your broker to buy or sell at the current market price.
2. The limit order specifies a price that the trader is willing to pay or accept.
3. A stop order can be used to establish a new position, limit a loss on an existing position, or protect profit.
4. A stop limit order combines both a stop and limit order.
5. The market-if-touched (M.I.T.) order is similar to a limit order, except that it becomes a market order when the limit price is touched.

Important elements of money management and trading -

1. Trade in the direction of the intermediate trend.
2. In uptrends, buy the dips; in downtrends, sell bounces.
3. Let profit run, cut losses short.
4. Use protective stops to limit losses.
5. Don't trade impulsively; have a plan.
6. Plan your work and work your plan.
7. Use money management principles.
8. Diversify, but don't overdo it.
9. Employ at least a 3 to 1 reward-to-risk ratio.
10. When pyramiding (adding positions), follow these guidelines.
  a. Each successive layer should be smaller than before.
  b. Add only to winning positions.
  c. Never add to a losing position.
  d. Adjust protective stops to the breakeven point.
11. Never meet a margin call; don't throw good money after bad.
12. Close out losing positions before the winning ones.
13. Except for very short term trading, make decisions away from the market, preferably when the markets are closed.
14. Work from the long term to the short term.
15. Use intraday charts to fine-tune entry and exit.
16. Master interday trading before trying interday trading.
17. Try to ignore conventional wisdom; don't take anything said in the financial media too seriously.
18. Learn to be comfortable being in the minority. If you're right on the market, most people will disagree with you.
19. Technical analysis is a skill that improves with experience and study. Always be a student and keep learning.
20. Keep it simple; more complicated isn't always better.

Chapter 17 The Link Between Stocks and Futures: Intermarket Analysis

Early warnings signs of inflation and interest rate trends are usually spotted in the futures pits first, which often determine the direction stock prices will take at any given time.

The premium (or spread) between S&P 500 futures over the cash index diminishes as the futures contract approaches expiration. Each day, institutions calculate what the actual premium should be - called fair value.

Bond price move in the opposite direction of interest rate or yields. When bond prices are rising, yields are falling. That is normally considered positive for stocks. Falling bond prices, or rising yields, are considered negative for stocks.

On a short term basis, sudden changes in trend in the S&P 500 futures contract are often influenced by sudden changes in the Treasury Bond futures contract.

Commodity prices usually trend in the opposite direction of bond prices.

A rising U.S. dollar normally has a depressing effect on most commodity prices. In other words, a rising dollar is normally considered to be noninflationary. The gold market usually acts as a leading indicator for other commodity markets.

Gold mining shares can be used as leading indicators for gold prices.

The general idea is to rotate your funds into those sectors of the market whose relative strength lines are just turning up, and to rotate out of those market groups whose relative strength lines are just turning down.

Chapter 18 Stock Market Indicators

The most common way to calculate the AD (advance-decline) line is to take the difference between the number of advancing issues and the number of declining issues. The danger appears when the AD line begins to diverge from the Dow.

Historically, the AD line peaks out well ahead of the market averages, which is why it's watched so closely.

McClellan Oscillator is constructed by taking the difference between two exponential moving averages of the daily NYSE advance-decline figures.

McClellan Oscillator reading above +100 is a signal of an overbought stock market. A reading below -100 is considered an oversold stock market.

The McClellan Summation Index is a cumulative sum of each day's positive or negative readings in the McClellan Oscillator.

In a strong market, the number of new highs should be much greater than the number of new lows.

Whenever the new highs reach an extreme, the market has a topping tendency. Whenever new lows reach an extreme, the market is near a bottom.

The Arms Index is a ratio of a ratio. The numerator is the ratio of the number of advancing issues divided by the number of declining issues. The denominator is the advancing volume divided by declining volume. On an intraday basis, a very high Arms Index reading is positive, while a very low reading is negative. The Arms Index is a contrary indicator that trends in the opposite direction of the market.

TICK measures the difference between the number of stocks trading on an uptick versus the number trading on a downtick.

A rising TICK indicator and falling Arms Index (TRIN) are positive, while a falling TICK indicator and a rising Arms Index (TRIN) are negative.

In the "Open" version of the Arms Index (Open Arms), each of the four components in the formula is averaged separately over a period of 10 days.

On the Equivolume chart, each price bar is shown as a rectangle. The height of the rectangle measures the day's trading range. The width of the rectangle is determined by that day's volume.

A CandlePower chart combines equivolume and candlesticks. The width of each candle is determined by volume.

A comparison of the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500 tells us whether the "troops" are following the "generals".

Chapter 19 Pulling It All Together - A Checklist

Technical analysis is much like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. Each technical tool holds a piece of the puzzle.

Technical checklist

1. What is the direction of the overall market?
2. What is the direction of the various market sectors?
3. What are the weekly and monthly charts showing?
4. Are the major, intermediate, and minor trends up, down, or sideways?
5. Where are the important support and resistance levels?
6. Where are the important trendlines or channels?
7. Are volume and open interest confirming the price action?
8. Where the 33%, 50%, and 66% retracements?
9. Are there any price gaps and what types are they?
10. Are there any major reversal patterns visible?
11. Are there any continuation patterns visible?
12. What are the price objectives from those patterns?
13. Which way are the moving averages pointing?
14. Are the oscillators overbought or oversold?
15. Are any divergences apparent on the oscillators?
16. Are contrary opinion numbers showing any extremes?
17. What is the Elliot Wave pattern showing?
18. Are there any obvious 3 or 5 ware patterns?
19. What about Fibonacci retracements or projections?
20. Are there any cycle tops or bottoms due?
21. Is the market showing right left translation?
22. Which way is the computer trend moving: up, down, or sideways?
23. What are the point and figure charts or candlesticks showing?

After you've arrived at a bullish or bearish conclusion, ask yourself the following questions.

1. Which way will this market trend over the next several months?
2. Am I going to buy or sell this market?
3. How many units will I trade?
4. How much am I prepared to risk if I'm wrong?
5. What is my profit objective?
6. Where will I enter the market?
7. What type of order will I use?
8. Where will I place my protective stop?